Scenic Element, His Story - April 2023
This was a wild one.
The design brief was to build a 20’ diameter Crown of Thorns with integrated lighting effects and kabuki drops.
The prefabricated tent housing the production imposed severe limitations on the elements design and fabrication.
Power was not available from the rigging points, so all lighting, hoists, and effects had to powered by onboard batteries.
All communications needed to done wirelessly.
Only three rigging points where available to suspended a 20’ hexagonal structure.
Absolutely maximum allowable weight of 1500 lbs
Using a combination of prefabricated truss elements, Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries, lightweight foam stock, and the power of sheer design engineer voodoo, I managed to make this element work. I still have dreams about meetings where we debated how much each of the bolts were going to weigh with and without washers.
Ultimately the show, which was based outside of Dallas, closed within 30 days of opening.
Speciality Fabrication
Design and Fabrication of Unusual and Amazing things
Experience Design
Design For CNC Manufacturing