Long Long ago in a land far away, there was a little castle surrounded by an industrious town. The townspeople loved their little castle and wanted it to be perfect. But the little castle was empty. Its owner had left long ago, taking all the fine things with him and locking them away.

The Townspeople resolved to re-furnish there castle. They learned to craft and create. Making chest and chairs, tables and beds, gadgets and gizmo's, they filled the castle with things that reflected themselves and their experiences. They created so many things that at the end of each day it looked like little castle couldn't hold any more. 

But the castle had a secret. Every night, it grew. Sprouting new towers, chambers, and cellars. The town's people would awaken and rejoice, ready for another day of crafting and creating. The town was proud of its magical castle, and everyone wanted to fill it with the best that they could offer.

But wasn't a magical castle, it was a MakerBot Castle.

The Winter Castle was a continuation of the Castle Playset built for CES in January of 2012.  

With more time, and MakerBot Replicators available, I took the opportunity to revisit the project and build two true doll houses.  They were used as the 2012 Winter Window display at the for the opening of the Makerbot Retail store.

Both castles are internally lit and hinged so they close into a tower.

The furniture is a mixture of my original design and pieces created by Kacie Hultgren.

Fall 2012

  • Architectural Model
  • Lighting effects
  • Translucent and florescent materials

Download from Thingiverse:  http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:15587