Personal Project - Kansas City Maker Faire - 2017
I have long been a fan of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, and for the 2017 Maker Faire in Kansas City I built my own homage to the famous final scene of the film.
‘The Device’ is a approximately 1/4 scale ride-on replica of the Mark 3 ‘Fatman’ device. The outer shell is made up of custom fibreglass panels that I created using a set of 3D printed molds. There is an internal steel frame that supports the rider’s weight holds the batteries. Four hoverboard wheels on the lower steel frame and custom drive electronics provide enough acceleration to knock your cowboy hat off!
This was a really fun and successful build that became the archetype for the design methodology I have used in future personal and professional projects.
Design and Fabrication of Unusual and Amazing things
Electrical Design
PCB Design
LED Animation
Fiberglass Work
Metal Fabrication
CNC Metal Fabrication
Design For CNC Manufacturing